The Everybody Ekphrastic Audio Tour (Vox Populi)

3-Part Writing and Audio Workshop by Levi BentleyBea Huff Hunter and Matt Kalasky
Presented as part of Just In Time: 30 Years of Collective Practice

Workshop Schedule
Sunday, May 5, 2019 | 2-4 PM | Public writing workshop
Sunday, May 12, 2019 | 2-4 PM | Public writing workshop
Sunday, May 19, 2019 | 2-4 PM | Public writing workshop
Friday, June 7, 2019 | First Friday Opening | Debut of Audio Tour

Contribute your experience, words, and voice to create a community-generated audio tour for Just In Time: 30 Years of Collective Practice.

Drop in to the gallery for a writing workshop facilitated by poet Levi Bentley, critic Bea Huff Hunter, and artist Matt Kalasky who will guide you to write, think, and feel your way through the art on view with activities that use movement and conversation to break down barriers around feelings of access and prioritize your experience and connection with the work. You’ll write a personal response or poem to an artwork that speaks to you, and (if you choose) record a reading of your piece that will be made into an audio tour accompanying the exhibition.

No special knowledge of art is required, just openness and curiosity. The self-guided audio tour debuts June 7 at our First Friday event, and will be kick-offed with a special live walking audio tour event, featuring readings from workshop participants. The audio tour will remain open to the public till the exhibition ends on June 23.